CaDA C61505 Ferrari Laferrari

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Entworfen von dem bekannten MOC-Spieler T-Lego, 1:8 Static Collection Supercar-Modell, das gesamte Modell hat eine F1-Element-Frontnase, ein großes Lufteinlassgitter, einen breiten zentralen Luftdamm, ikonische Lichter, Bremswarnleuchten ähnlich F1, bilaterales Quad Auspuff, leichter Rückspiegel

4739PCS stellt das Erscheinungsbild des gesamten Fahrzeugs wieder her, und auch der Innenraum ist sehr aufregend, Sportwagensitze, maßgeschneiderte Räder und Bremsscheiben

Der Anzug hat eine wundervolle Optik und einen faszinierenden mechanischen Charme.
1. Paddelschaltung, Viergangschaltung;
2. Sequenzielles 4-Gang-Getriebe, spüren Sie den Charme des mechanischen Getriebes;
3. Variable Federung, die Höhe kann eingestellt werden, drehen Sie das Zahnrad, um die Höhe der Vorderradaufhängung einzustellen, um die stabile Form des Sportwagens zu gewährleisten;
4. Das Lenkrad dreht sich zum Koppelrad, gleichzeitig neigt sich die Aufhängung
5. Die doppelseitigen Schmetterlingstüren können geöffnet werden, die vordere Abdeckung kann geöffnet werden und die hintere Motorhaube kann geöffnet werden, so dass es bequem ist, den legendären V12-Motor zu schätzen; Der Motor ist mit den Rädern verbunden
6. Der Heckflügel wird angehoben und mit dem Diffusor verbunden, und der Hebel wird eingestellt, um den Winkel des Heckflügels und des Diffusors einzustellen

Über den Autor:
Designer Thijs de Boer, ich studiere Maschinenbau am Delft Institute of Technology. Ich interessiere mich für Autos und Technik. Bei meinen Modellen versuche ich, die Karosseriekonturen und Innenräume echter Autos so genau wie möglich nachzubilden. Struktur, diese spiegeln sich im Modell meines Designs wieder. Mein Ziel ist es, von anderen leidenschaftlichen Baumeistern wie mir zu lernen und mich von ihnen inspirieren zu lassen. Ich hoffe, in Zukunft weitere Modelle wie dieses zu entwerfen

Produktnummer: JEDER C61505

Neue Veröffentlichungszeit: 2022

Material: Hochwertiges gesundes ABS-Material

Ziegelmenge: 4739 Stk


Größe: 59,7 × 27,3 × 13,5 cm


  1. Die Bestellung wird innerhalb von 2-7 Werktagen versendet
  2. Kostenloser Versand und 30 Tage Rückgaberecht nach Erhalt.
  3. Lieferzeit: 8-25 Werktage
  4. Tracking-Reihenfolge: 17 Titel
  5. Details: Versandbedingungen


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Tadeusz Wielgus

CaDA C61505 Ferrari Laferrari

Marc Terroir

Very very complicated , number 6 befin these.morning .... heu .... a nightmare ... a joke of course... great kit I love it

Viva Supercar (Ferrari LaFerrari)

Overall, the CaDa C61505 – Viva Supercar (aka Ferrari LaFerrari) is one of the best non-Lego Technic sets currently available that I have built so far. Okay, the instructions weren't really perfect here and there and there were still a few parts to get, but the end result is really impressive. If CaDa now learns that their customers are not beta testers and have slightly better quality control, the market leader would have to dress even warmer.

The LeFerrari is definitely not a beginner's set and has its snags here and there, but in the end it's a lot of fun to build and it also offers really great building techniques that can inspire. Unless you tear the outer shell, the car is quite stable. If you hold it under at the front and rear, you can carry the LeFerrari around just fine.

The basic construction is extremely stable and is almost indestructible out of the category. The outer skin, on the other hand, is rather fragile and doesn't like it at all if you touch it in the wrong place. Not that the LeFerrari will crumble at the slightest touch, but don't pick it up or push it around without thinking first.

By the way, I didn't notice the color deviations that some people claim to have seen on the model. I looked at the LeFerrari from all sides in daylight and also in artificial light and the color tone of red was identical everywhere. It may be partly due to the pictures on the web, where the smooth and matt surfaces look a little different. I have no other explanation for it.

The assembly instructions are not really a riddle at all, almost all connection points are always well represented and very often also with an extra little picture, so that you know exactly where something belongs.

Where CaDa's Humvee still had the LEGO-typical "color plague" in the technical part of the structure, everything on the CaDa C61505 Viva Supercar is tone-on-tone or not colourful. The aesthetes will be happy!

The parts quality has made another significant step forward compared to the Ferrari 488 Pista (CaDa C61042). The pins of the Ferrari 488, which were still a bit loose at times, now sit tight and firmly in the desired place on the LeFerrari. The classic clamping blocks have also been equipped with a significantly higher clamping force. With the LeFerrari, everything stays where it belongs. Otherwise, the parts are not badly scratched, nor were there any miscasts or missing parts in the set!

All in all, the CaDa C61505 - Viva Supercar (aka Ferrari LaFerrari) is an almost perfect set, with actually only two weaknesses worth mentioning and these are the somewhat filigree additions to the outer skin and the not entirely correct original instructions from CaDa. From my point of view, both are bearable, because if you know where to grab and lift the car, you can easily carry it around and for the instructions there is a fix sheet by Thijs de Boer and the parts you need don't cost not so much money, if you don't already have them in your inventory.

Finally, I would like to thank Thijs de Boer for another great set. But you might not grab a Ferrari next time! Not that I don't like the cars or the brand, quite the opposite, but I didn't want to open a Ferrari collection!

Quality of the bricks (clamping force and color fidelity): 10/10
Comprehensibility of the building instructions: 9.5/10
Buildability: 9.5/10
Missing parts: none

The entire construction diary is also available at (German language)

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